
we can ensure that no single mom walks alone

our mission

Through education and empowerment, Life House Ministries equips single moms to heal from past trauma, overcome financial hardship, and raise healthy children.

We are a faith-based nonprofit meeting the needs of women hurting from life's most difficult circumstances. We believe hope and healing are found through a relationship with Jesus Christ.  Being a Christian is not a prerequisite to receive our services. 

We welcome women from all worldviews, and are committed to seeing that no single mom walks alone. We believe that regardless of circumstances, she will be empowered to reach new heights and embrace the joy, honor and privilege of being called "mom".

James, the brother of Jesus, shared that pure religion before God is to visit orphans and widows in their trouble (James 1:27). 

What does it mean to 'visit' those without a father? The Greek word is translated Episkeptomai, which means:

  • To look upon with compassion
  • To provide for
  • To exercise oversight

Did you know?

  • One in four children live in a home without a father
  • Approximately 6,000 fatherless children attempt suicide daily
  • 95% of single moms do not attend church, making them the largest un-churched demographic in America
  • God "The Father" commands His followers in Scripture over 110 times to defend or help the fatherless   

Exciting news! We are also diligently working to open a home for expectant mothers in N Snohomish County. The home will be dedicated to ending the cycle of homelessness and abuse in women and children, through transitional housing, education, counseling and more.

How can you help?


our hope

Through involvement at LHM, it is our hope that a woman will: 

Have her practical needs met such as housing, food, and clothing

Become knowledgeable in the areas of -

budgeting, healthy coping, boundaries, and parenting strategies

Find comfort and encouragement through community

Find restoration and healing in family relationships

Understand her God given strengths

and use them to fulfill her purpose in life