A pro-life nonprofit serving single parents affected by domestic violence, teen pregnancy, homelessness or loss of a spouse

We hold tight to the belief it takes a village to raise a child. Consider joining ours today!


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pregnant and alone...

My mom died suddenly when I was 11 years old.  Since then, the only life I've known is my entire family struggling with addiction.  I'm finally clean and about to have a baby. But there is no one I can trust or rely on to help me raise this child.  I'm scared and don't know where to turn.  I really just want my mom back - to show me how to do this and tell me everything is going to be okay.

- Chelsea*, LHM Member Application Statement

To find out how Chelsea found healing and hope, go to Our Stories.

heartbroken and searching...

I had a great husband, three children and our own company.  I lost everything the day my husband died in my arms from a severe asthma attack. I was 26 years old. I turned to drugs to numb the pain of his loss. My kids were eventually taken from me.  I didn't know how to reach out for help.  I'm clean now and attending college.  I need help finding a place to live so I can get my children back.

- Amber*, LHM Member Application Statement

To see what programs are offered to single moms like Amber, go to Our Services.

* Names changed for privacy